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User-configured events

Managers allow users to dispatch events from their website, and then map these configured events to different tools. A tool can register to listen to events and then define the way it will be processed.

manager.addEventListener('event', async ({ context, client }) => {
// Send server-side request
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
data: {
ip: context.system.device.ip,
eventName: context.eventName,

// Check client browser
if (client.userAgent.includes('Chrome')) {
client.set('example-uuid', uuidv4())

In the above example, when the tool receives an event it will do multiple things: (1) Make a server-side post request to /collect endpoint, with the visitor IP and the event name. If the visitor is using a normal web browser (e.g. not using the mobile SDK), the tool will also set a client key (e.g. cookie) named example-uuid to a random UUIDv4 string, and it ask the browser to make a client-side fetch request with the page title.