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Embed support

To place an embed in the page, the website owner includes a placeholder div element. For example, a weather embed could look like this:


Inside the External Component, the embed will be defined like in this example:

async ({ parameters }: { parameters: { [k: string]: string } }) => {
const location = parameters["location"];
const embed = await manager.useCache("weather-" + location, async () => {
try {
const response = await manager.fetch(
const data = await response.json();
const [summary] = data.current_condition;
const { temp_C } = summary;
return `<p>Temperature in ${location} is: ${temp_C} &#8451;</p>`;
} catch (error) {
console.error("error fetching weather for embed:", error);
return `<p>Error loading weather for ${location}: ${error}</p>`;
return embed;

In the above example, the tool defines an embed called weather-example. It makes a request to a remote API, caches it, and then renders a simple html, using the data from the fetch response.